Systems for sterile disconnection

As biomanufacturing increasingly adopts single-use solutions, reliable disconnection of compounds is essential to maintain closed systems. Process integrity and operator safety are technology-dependent here - aseptic isolation strategies for these systems must be part of the overall process plan to ensure proper containment.

Biosealer ® TC for robust and consistent sealing

Biosealer® TC is an automated device for aseptic separation of thermoplastic pipes. This innovative technology enables the sterile separation of dry or liquid-filled TPE tubing from 1/4" to 1" OD. Biosealer® TC seals TPE tubing by heat sealing the tubing, ensuring a high level of stability for sterile separation.

Clipster® system for aseptic separation

Clipster® enables fast and reliable aseptic separation in biopharmaceutical production operations. Its unique design allows disconnection at the point of use.

Quickseal® for aseptic disconnection

Quickseal® provides a unique one-step cutting technology to create an aseptic seal. Quickseal® is pre-installed on silicone or thermoplastic elastomer tubing, giving clear instructions on where to cut.