Air Monitoring

Airborne microorganisms represent a potential risk for contamination of products and raw materials. For successful microbiological air monitoring, it is essential to establish, implement and maintain a formal biocontamination control system for your process. Air samplers present here a reliable and validated method of air monitoring - they can detect particles, fungi, spores and microorganisms in the air, even viruses and bacteriophages. Sartorius air sampling devices are used to monitor air quality in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological and food & beverage industries, as well as for environmental and occupational safety.

MD8 air samplers

MD8 air samplers come in two variants - the MD8 Airscan® and the MD8 Airport portable air sampler. Both device options are used for effective detection of microorganisms in the air.

BACTair™ plates

BACTair™ culture media plates for testing microbiological air quality in combination with the MD8 Airport air sampler ("impaction" method).

Gelatine filters

Gelatin filters combined with MD8 air samplers (gelatin filter method) are used to collect airborne microbes and viruses.

Are your air monitoring methods compliant with the new EU GMP Annex 1?

The new edition of EU GMP Annex 1 specifies that there must be no: microbial contamination (air sample CFU/m³) during the qualification of a Class A cleanroom, nor contamination with viable particles (air sample CFU/m³) during environmental and personnel monitoring in Class A cleanrooms.

Read what changes the new EU GMP Annex 1 brings for microbiological air monitoring in clean rooms and how to establish a quality contamination control strategy in your production processes.